noble massage & oath to be awakened to govt
What is ourmassage requested to you to sent every where? No body of Indians/Bengalis will beconsiderable without getting govt ideality training certificate and at the same no body should be helped financially for self dependant(SHG) without getting “SPOT GUIDE cum incomecum business training cum ideality training”certificate ( such as1-inspiring system, 2—partcipent system, 3—innvesting systemt, on thrice training,1-trainer making spot trainng, 2-collective/individual participant spot training, 3-group wise spot training ,see all –Page- 11 to 25) Either may GOVT try to involve all Bengali/Indianin ideality training or fallow us. wehave discovered an innovative “jnan ranking system”.It is practiced at vill-Ramkrishna pur, P.S-kulpi,dist.- 24 pgs as one rupee’s ideal village.99%villagers are involved in their separate –personal responsibility on graminbisuness ,that is called “PR”& family rank “FR” obtaining numbers from ideality training 5 schools ,that is, SUM of all numbers of all members of family onthrice such as 1-mumber of presents,2—numbers of answer on quiz , 3— numbers of behavior in their mother land, on basis of mobile reporter inscheduled committee. Here +/- marking system & bonus are continued.
The formula isFR+PR=IR(ideality rank)=any opportunity /subsidy of SHG.
What is ouroath ceremony ?At every year ,being faultless we promise four saying& we maintain it. We acquire &increase our dedicated members .These four saying are , such as 1-we neverinvolve or allow other in any drugaddiction & any bad habit. rather we bound to try to make ideal men. 2—we never try to speak a lie for selfishness. 3—we never try toabuse but we try to apply to all villagers same affectionate, kindness forgiveness, love. we are bound to practiceto make good habit. 4—we dedicate ourwhole life to make one’s rupee’s ideal village, sonar bangle , vivek varat
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