Otho jago athma nirvar hao
Programme on thisproject which is informed to Chief Minister on 04/10/2012 by hand to hand andemail on 09/09/2012, leter by speed post 16/01/2012 and local BDO SebanandaPonda has been chief adviser one Gnanranjan Halder, founder of society, is aninventor, researcher of this project for benefit ofpeople. This project is inaugurated on dated 12/01/2012 on occasion of birthday of Swamiji by inspiration of Vivekananda thought. This project as a perfectand spot guide is an unparallel to people. We dedicate this project asrespectation on 150th year. This society has all responsibility tomake succeed the pilot project. This project is very newly made for the ruralpeople in subject to the matter of insurance of life, insurance of village,insurance of land, water and self help in their livelihood. This project can beable to make understand the village people how to cultivate and get the maximumreturn using the minimum area which is laying in unused and damaged condition.The project can be able how to be united between rich and poor through mixedfarming and multiple cropping or business. This project may be success full byusing a new “Gnan System” through various gnan committee with variousresponsibility of social affairs. The system of these committee made by theirnearest person or husband, can guide strongly and perfectly to the SHG group orany Govt. groups to be succeed their performance with 100% guarantee afterapplying Gnan System such as 1st stage- united spot training, 2ndstage- single spot training, 3rd stage- absolute self help training.This is the “Gnan System’ no one SHG can be successful without those 3 (three) stagespot training and profit distribution system. These three stage spot trainingsystem teach to all members. We have arranged a “real man making centre” here specificand particular programme are practiced and teach in regular basis. That iscalled “Mukta Shikswa Gnan Moha Bidyalaya”. Beside, female empowerment of alltraining are to be here how to make and cultivate the mixed firm including aquafish, exotic bird, animal firm, guttery firm, horticulture, agriculturetraining for sustainable system. All trainees, beneficiary as well as group memberand bound to be present here to learn how to make ideal village. Every husbandof this female group members will have to be involved in various Gnan committeeby their educational ability basis to develop civilization even also protectfrom every side of any opposition of the firm. This project with Gnan systemcan easily make the state as “Sonar Bangla” by this project’s three specialquality- gourd, guide, awareness established on five piler- 1)socialism, 2)humanbeing, 3)economic, 4) administrative, 5) patriotic with sacrifice . It may beunbelievable but every member unwillingly will run on this way for own interest.Every, wicked members, for earning the money will come to Maha bidyalaya andwill take process and practice all, which all good member willingly accept formaking ideal village. This practice of Gnan System can be able to make the manwith human being and mankind, with sacrifice.
We have an assemblycentre named- “ Ramkrishna Vivekananda Mission Ashram” about 30 to 100 Nos ofaged people have been coming here at every night from 6 P.M to 8P.M and theypray to God and practice pranayam & Jogasan. At every Sunday from 2 P.M to4 P.M about 70 Nos. of house wife have to present here. They get to gather alldiscussion of how to make and maintain the family peacefully and how to improvetheir life etc are trained here every day. Youth of Ramkrishnapur, Vagabanpur,Raypur present here at 4 P.M to 6 P.M to practice sports, yogashan. We maintainour particulars everyday. I have to arrange (khichuri) hotchpotch distributionprogramme occasionally. Almost 200 Nos. of villager attend here gladly besides,every 1st Sunday of a month outsider respected recourses person areinvited to discuss their important speech to villagers in subject to idealvillagers though GSSG Group by Gnan system. Swamijis of various RamkrishnaAhram or Bharat Sebashram have been coming here to discuss the religious thoughto villagers.
This project for“Sonar Bangla Garar Nava Disha O Paddhati” has been represented to public afterresolution of society on dated 02/09/2012 No-12(11-12). From that day, we havetried to practice the experimental job to make a model of ideal village.
We have completed amarvelous project of rural livelihood. This project can earn 10 lac yearly bycultivating on one bigha. Almost 250 family of every village can earn monthlyaveragely five thousand rupees per family. Without any cost or extra labour asa sleeping member of groups. But general members or acting members of thatgroup can earn 10 thousand per month by extra labour of three hours per day for10 days in a month. Now we are in continuing process of this project by thefinancial assistance of Kakdwip Maternity and Nursing home and Maa KarunamayeeNursing Home. Yet, this is fact, we are suffering from economical crisis thatneeded for making the sufficient infrastructure of cultivation according to theproject. In spite of that, we are going forward to continue our “Mukta ShikshwaGnan Maha Bidyalaya” with scheduled syllabus to make a model of ideal village,which is caring out all positive indication of future of West Bengal.
All process orsystems of this pilot project are being noted. It will be published as a guidebook named “GNAN DARSHAN”. We are hopeful that “Gnan System” will be sanctionedas a Govt. rule after making this model completed.
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