1.Chief Organizer:Non beneficiary mem.
A model village is being continued at Ramkrishnapur,PS-Kulpi,(Bus Stoppage towards kulpi to Kakdwip-at Ramkrishnapur)Dist.-South 24 Parganas,financed poorly byKakdwip Meternity Nurshing Home, and 15 lakes humane loan fromBOI,DH Branch.It is running with in very poor financial condition. GnanranjanHalder,under Innovative Planning Section,under All Original DocumentMaintenance Section, have capacity of Working Cost 5% on total net profit ofIdeal Village.Chief Sanctioning Authority is controlled with honor of one rupees only per month by generationwise,for safety and security OF "JIIT" as well as honor also.CHIEF SANCTIONING AUTHORITY will interfere intoemergency & most critical situation.That will be final for people-benefit.Here is experienced gathered that, there is very essential of govt/nongovt expert to contact most easily with villagers,There is very much lackof guidance. Subsidy without guidance is the mostreason of their laziness,unoccupied and these poverty also. Investment,Insurance & selling dep on gramin self dependence - business matter might be superviseddirectly/Indirectly by local BDO. All guidance strongly may be maintained through JIIT for better development under supervision of local BDO. 1% on total voters in abooth,rich,critical men have to try the division among general people.Chief organizer have discovered this innovative "JIIT"-system through 4 yrs experiment,Which will give self dependent,humane character,unity compulsory.If GOVT beingpartner according to "JIIT",GOVT willget development 5 times per year after &from 5th years. Every village canbe able to earn almost 3 crores(minim 10 lakh earningper year per 2 bigha -that project is shown at site ) per yearly by jointly business,occupying veranda for mushroom,yards for vermi compost/bird etc,ponds for pisciculture, hem for duck/poultry etc, or handicrafts.these haveto be supervised by MST-12 through local BDO' expert officers.
2.Sanctioning Authority:Non beneficiary mem.
Newly- Any Work,Functioning Law, Any PLan of JIIT may be CHANGEDor sanctioned by local BDO for batter situation or this authority withGuarantor of this investors, and Donors can do the same here.Guarantorwill take 10% on investment as security.Donors can deal conditionally.Thesesanctioning authority can be able to operate executive body of this society.Thefree education authority for ideality, Purity, and Unity,Self dependent earningprocess of villagers, may be organized by them and this university named"JIIT-Jnan Institute of Ideality Technology" to be situated at everyBlock, has two branches i".Ramakrishna-Vivekananda Mission Jnanashram" for ideality,purity and unity Under ITC(-Ideality Training Center formaking 3 master spot trainer with salary 4000 per month) .KVAK(Krishi VijnanApplication Kendra) for Self Dependence on Agri,Horti,Pisci,livestockanimal,etc under KVK-(Krishi Vijnan Kendra) for making master of spot trainer-4members whole timer with salary 6000 per month and Small Scale Business SpotTraining under VTC-(Vocational Training Centre),for making master of spottrainer 4 members with salary 5000 per month and This sanctioning authority has5% working capacity on total net profit. Top two members can join at executivebody.These salary or remuneration within 40% on total net profit can becollected from 1st step business as like as KVAK(krishi vijnanApplication kendra)
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4.Ramakrishnapur SampritiMormartho Jnanasram( Z-committee)
This will be servicing as Gramin High Court,Supervising top 5committee,this jnanashram operate the Vivek Fund(11D) 10% underST-1/2/3/6/7/8,5.02%under group ST 4/5 for help of health and education of poorpeople,working capacity 5% (it may be for remuneration ofMST) on total net profit.Financial solvency ,educated ,dedicated personcan be included here for making one rupees ideal village and to protect thescheduled law of ideal village.This committee will operate twelve idealcommittee of all villagers called as “twelve beneficiary ideal committee”.Theywill organize jointly gramine business and various earning process to makefinancial development by spot training system and they will operate alltraining of villagers to make purity and unity to each other.Every NGO of thisproposed village can be accompanied by this institution by taking working capacity2% out of 5%.
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--5brothers of jnan ranjan halder are donor,self less member of this comm, assistants of chieforganiser.they have been sitting & sharing their intelligence on positive thought formaking ideal society which will guide to india in future as representative of soner bengal,in every month.Theyare completely social worker,patriotic,discoverer ofideal society.they are 1.Biswa ranjan halder(ex govt employer), 2.Yogoranjanhalder (ex tercher,high school), 3.Chiraranjan halder(teacher/reporter),4.gnanranjan halder(ex khas khabor reporter),5. Chittaranjanhalder(whole timer on one rupee ideal village).
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“ VIVEK VARAT OR SONERBANLA “ are formedby 1) beneficiary comm. They must get honorium at first. 2) non beneficiary comm. They may get or not honorium secondary such as (2a- SUPREME COMMITTEE ,2b- EXECUTIVE BODY ,2c-- IDEAL COMMITTEE , 2d-- TOP comm. — BEST—3 ,TOP-10 MEN, TOP-10 WOMEN, TOP-10 STRONG MEN), -- 1) beneficiary ---“One rupee’s ideal village “ are maintained by beneficiary 25 members in that model village. Such as A- 1.president for clearingaccounts to top -3 of villagers whowill clear to Village observer,2.secretary will do ranking of FR & PR,3. treasurer will maintainthe routine of PR/FR separately ) & their own official jobs,4-manager for maintaining the routine &present on duties ofvarious
Responsible post of 24 comm.., 5)junio r KVK (agri,horti,pisci ,nursery exotic bird ,etc cultivate),6)junior trainer of buying &selling dep, 7)junior training & maintaining of ITC(ideality 5 schools),8) j. HHS (homely health service (aurvedic localplant,vegitable ,general knowledge), 9)j. VTC –vocational training & maintaining, 10)j. collector of money ,land, man power 11)junior SPOT trainer for awareness of socialactivities
Of govt /society 12)junior MSTfor humane right &collecting the informationof inability in respect of all social ,humane right &unhygienic atmosphere& prevention
MALE GROUP.-CO-OPERATIVE COMM. for guidance of groups, ARE THAT----
WHAT IS S. M. JNANASHRAM ? “----SAMPRITI MARMARTH JNANASHRAM is local NGO affiliated by father society. This local NGOexecuted by top 10 women in this modelideal village , has full right to makeone rupee ideal village according toscheduled rules obeying two condition 1)sampriti to each other 2)all faith willbe analyzed to come at one MARMARTH thatis self mind to be highly powerful &habituated towards upper supreme point,for being weight less (not complexity )mind &for getting calm, pleasure, gladness etcfor ever. 3types top 5- CONTROLL the S. M. ASHRAM,/ 3 TYPIES TOP-3 –ARE SUPREME OF GROUP & EXEQUTIVEMEMBER OF S. M. JNANASHRAM N:B—BEST—3 ,TOP-10 MEN, TOP-10 WOMEN, TOP-10 STRONGMEN, for leading all groups & all villagers,--are selected accordingto average on FR+PR, BEST—3 in femalevillagers will be president, secretary, treasurer at”------------------ S. M. JNANASHRAM” theseS.M. JNANASHRAM will be situated at every village/sansad/booth for making .ideal village
WHAT IS IDEAL COMMITTEE ( Bantan 3.1%) ? These members are non beneficiary(they may get or not the honorium) From chief organizer to all observer, adviser under jnanbantan system 1/a- are idealcomm.. 1)-V.O--- village observer is amain conductor of jnanashram &free education university as representativeof local NGO,HONOURIUN -1%, 2) G.P.O---GRAMPANCHAYET OBSERVER for5village -0.17%,3)RP–RESOURSE PERSON no-2 for wholeG.P,-0.28%,4) B.O-BLOCK OBSERVER for 5 -GRAMPANCHAYET ,0.05%,5)CHIEF ORG. 0.1%, for prizing others 6) CBO-CHIEF BLOCKOBSERVER for assisting to BDO,& punishing to others,0.19%, 7)D.O—DISTRICTOBSERVER for 6 block,0.08%,8)CDO—CHIEF DISTRICT OBSERVER forassisting toDM,0.04%, 9) PCA –PROJECT CHIEF ADVISER ,o.2%, 10)P.S PANCHAYET SAMITI for helpof expert &any govt project,0.23%,10)ZP—ZELLA PARISAD for same,0.016%, 11)C.M---CHIEF MINISTER forhelp of money investment at 1%interast,insurance,selling dep.0.03%,12)PM PRAIME MINISTER for the same,0.016%,13)5men controller comm.. for assist to c.o,0.9%
BANTAN—3 SYSTEM MEANS acquired number have to transfer into the RANK . SAY, FR/PR/AVERAGE/-NUMBERis 123, then RANK will be o.12.Say,S1,SL2,SL3,SL4—HAVE
GOTTEN NUMBER 100,200,300,400,GRADUALLY: &total RS 500.00 will bedistributed to them by bantan 3 system. At first these RANK is o.10,0.20, o.30, 0.40,gradually.
Total of RANK is 1,they will get money individually according to numberbasis.SL-1 will get ( o.10+,0.20,+ o.30+, 0.40=1)500/1=500,500x0.10=50, Sl-2will get 500/1=500,
500x0.20=1oo,Sl-3 for getting RS500x0.30=150.samely-SL-4 FOR GETTINGRS-200 ----THIS IS BANTAN—3 SYSTEM
BANTAN -2-SYSTEM—ST-1/1A,SEE-PAGE 13/ST-2, SEE-PAGE-18 /ST-3, SEE-PAGE-20 /ST-4, SEE-PAGE-11 /ST-5, SEE-PAGE-12/ST-6, SEE-PAGE-14 / ST-7, SEE-PAGE-15 /ST-8, SEE-PAGE-16 .
a. 1st net profit =Total sale-(i. Lease cost of Land +ii .Primary expenditure+Labour Cost)
b. 2nd net profit =Rest amount - investor’s benefit(i.Double for 6 yearsfor any one in SANSAD,ii.For society or NGO ,16.66% payment per year( as doublefor 6years) as a profit, 16.66%payment for restoration yearly, on the other hand,full repayment after 6 years,12yrs for GOVT)
c. 3rd net profit =Rest Amount –10% payment as security of guarantor(ifguarantor remain)
d.4th net profit= Rest Amount – 30% for 3 villages to make “One rupeeideal village”through JIIT system under collective business cum Ideality training ST- NO-1,1A) at first.
(Ifnot, for KVAK,it is deposited at father society, Note: Total Rest Amount is called Total net profit
10.Total NetProfit,say,100%:-(100%-30% society’sminimum working capital=70% IDEAL NET PROFIT)
i.Innovative Planning section 5%(workingcapacity)
ii.Sanctioning authority 5%(working capacity)
iii.Chief advisory techno section 6%(workingcapacity)
iv.Sampriti mormarthoJnansram 5%(workingcapacity)
v. executive body 9%(working capacity)
Note: Rest amount 70%,is to say, 100% RS------- (IDEALNET PROFIT )are distributed to idealvillagers by Unique Distribution System according to Ideal Rank (see-page-19), under(ST- 1,1A—to 8 No. Formulae). All separateacquirement are deposited on account of GSSG group.(Modified SHG grp),But allaccounts in details have been cleared at register gr. Khata maintained bysecretay.
chief adviser board
Chief Advisory and Techno Section:(5 types)Non beneficiary Mem.ANDall observer are beneficiary members(they can get one types fixed honorarium).
Local BDO ischief adviser in his block .Allexperisenced expert are to be invited here to join willingly to make an idealvillage with financially sufficiency & moral character of 99% villagersthrough the new, experienced JIIT system.Alreadyrespectable persons 1)Mr. sebananda panda (BDO,MAGISTRATE ),2) Mr. Arindamachargee(ex-oc,social warker),3)Mr.Tapas ray(social worker),4) Mr. Aup Dhar(Newseditor),5) Dr. sarat ch. halder (M.B.B.S)are in chief advisery board.
All technical person, well wisher(Govt. or non-govt.) As mastertrainer are to be included willingly here for spot training at KVAK.Thistechno section can operate MST-12 “of proposed JIIT..Top one of thismaster trainer committee can join at executive body. Separate chief advisory sectionhas been formed by members coming from GOVT ornon govt under KVK/VTC/ITC/HHS/LL.(legislative law)
a. Chief Advisory Section on ITC is formed by Integrationand finding same Signification of different Holy-Books for makingcreativity of purity on character and unity.Here is Discussing on scheduledsubjects regularly in 7 classes i.Nationalism,ii.Socialism,iii.Humanity,iv.Rules and Regulation,v.Good Health on Pranayam,Yoga and Physicalexercise,vi.Disease prevention by vegetables and Ayurveda plant etc.v!!) Increasing theenergy of mind, intelligence & good habit. here is Workingcapacity 2% on total net profit.Top one can join at executive body.
b. Chief Advisory Section on self depending spot training atKVAK(Krishi Vijnan Application Kendra) on Agri,Hoti,Pisci,Nursery,Ayurveda,LifeStock Animal –Birds,Small Scale Industries,Export-Import working,etc. training.Workingcapacity 3% on total net profit.Top one can join at executive body.
c. Chief Advisory Section on Legislative Law continuing the Idealvillage.Top one can join at executive body.Working capacity 1% on total netprofit.All adviser are included in this committee.
d.chief advisory section on VTC (vocational training centre )have to teach as master trainer to MST-4 and they guide All of business. e..observers&govt will get 3.1%according to jnan bantan 1/a (VO-village obs,1% on 1 village ,GPO- grampanchyet obs,0.17% on 5 village,2-RP resource person,0.28% on 1 GP,(BO) blockobs,0.05% on 5 GP,(CBO) chief block obs,0.196% on 1 block,as representative ofBDO, are controlled by BDO under JIIT,if he interested for local development,other wise as usual,DO district obs,0.08% on 6CBO,(CDO) -chief district obs,o.049% on 1 district as representative ofDM."ONE RUPEE IDEAL VILLAGE"-the project has real result 99% successbecause of 99%villagers facilitated himself,landavailable for lease system with training for self depending process,their humane support &man power sufficient.(1%=10, on1000 voters,they are most critical .Rest of all arecommon people). O.1%for parent society,o.2%for project chief adviser,o.o3% forpanchayet samity,0.016% for zilla parishad,0.013% for CHIEFMINISTER,0.016% FOR PRIME MINISTER,0.88% for "5men controllercommittee" under CHIEF ORGANISER,for the help made for each other,.